Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Birthday and so forth

Yesterday, I celebrated my 17th birthday in Japan with my family. Despite having to go to school most of the day, it was still wonderful. My host family sang Happy birthday in English and we all ate cake. It was fun, and I`m very grateful to them :)
So, about my host family. They`re a fun and interesting bunch. At dinner the first night, they discusssed the many uses of the word やばい, which roughly translates to `oh crap` in English. My sister goes to an extremely strict girl`s school that doesn`t allow its students to bring strawberries of a certain size in their lunch boxes. My brother doesn`t talk with me much, but he`s studying for exams so it`s understandable. My father is at work most of the day, but thankfully is home on weekends. My mother is home almost all the time, which is nice. They have an overly excitable toy poodle who everyone is extremely fond of.
A question. In Japan, almost everyone has a washlet, a fancy electronic toilet. I`m curious if everyone actually uses them or if they`re just...there...


  1. Happy Birthday Bou! We were thinking of you today. The girls miss you and wrote you birthday cards today which will be in the mail. Write more on your blog... we enjoy reading. Love A.Irene

  2. Happy Birthday! Um, they're useful...especially in the wintertime, when the seat can heat up.

  3. yeah....we had one too....i never used it xP
